Friday, March 9, 2012

My $17 Chair Re-Do

Remember my $17 fun find?
 So the process began....
 Lots of elbow grease, coughing and waving away the dust, yuck!
Black spray paint covers a multitude of sins.
Then a trick I learned from Pinterest. Spread Gesso on and then immediately wipe off with a soft cloth.
This is the finish you end up with...

You have to do a lot of buffing with your cloth to get it just right so go get a cup of coffee or a coke cause you'll need your strength! Ok, a candy bar then!
Here's the  upholstery fabric I chose...

Off to my friend Brenda to do the upholstery. I'm too chicken to take that part on.
I'll post a pic of the finished product when I get it back from her. So excited!

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